Here is an updated list of my publications as of 18th March 2024.
Accepted Publications
R. Gandikota, J. Materzynska, T. Zhou, A. Torralba, D. Bau, “Concept Sliders: LoRA Adaptors for Precise Control in Diffusion Models”, under review [Project Page] [Source Code]
R. Gandikota, H. Orgad, Y. Belinkov, J. Materzynska, D. Bau, “Unified Concept Editing in Diffusion Models”, Proceedings of the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2024) [Source Code]
R. Gandikota, J. Materzynska, J. F. Kaufman, D. Bau. “Erasing Concepts from Diffusion Models”, Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2023) [Source Code]
R. Gandikota, Nik Brown. “Pro-DDPM: Progressive Growing of Variable Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Faster Convergence”, accepted at 2022 33rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC’22) [Source Code]
R. Gandikota, D. Mishra. “CDQN: Context infused Sequential Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning in Aerial Images “, accepted at 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’23) [Source Code]
R. Gandikota, D. Mishra. “DisMon-GAN: A 24X7 All-Weather Optical Domain Surveillance using Progressively Growing Adversarial Networks with Patch-based Discriminator”, accepted at 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’22) [Source Code]
R. Gandikota, M. M. “Pixel Noise Localization Algorithm for Indian Satellite Data Quality Control: A Novel Approach”, accepted at 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’22) [Source Code]
R. Gandikota, R. K. K, A. Sharma, M. M, and V. M. Bothale, “RTC-GAN: Real-Time Classification of Satellite Imagery using Deep Generative Adversarial Networks with Infused Spectral Information” IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2020, pp. 6993-6996, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9323363. [Link] [Source Code]
R. Gandikota and D. Mishra. “Hiding Audio in Images: A Deep Learning Approach” International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 389-399. [Link] [Source Code]
R. Gandikota and D. Mishra, “How You See Me: Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks” TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2019, pp. 2069-2073, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929603. [Link]
R. Gandikota, Nik Brown, “DC-Art-GAN: Stable Procedural Content Generation using DC-GANs for Digital Art”, accepted at 53rd annual International Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA 2022) [Source Code]
R.Gandikota, D. Mishra, “Hiding Video in Images: Harnessing Adversarial Learning on Deep 3D-Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks”, accepted at 7th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP’22) [Source Code]
R.Gandikota, D. Mishra, “HD-VAE-GAN: Hiding Data with Variational Autoencoder Generative Adversarial Networks”, accepted at 7th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP’22) [Source Code]
R.Gandikota, D. Mishra, “Share-GAN: A Novel Shared Task Training in Generative Adversarial Networks for Data Hiding”, accepted at 7th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP’22)
Publications In Process
R. Gandikota, “Class-Net: A Novel Deep Learning Architecture with Peer-Learning”
R. Gandikota, D. Mishra. “Hiding Multimedia Inside Image using Bi-Directional LSTM GAN and 3D-GAN”
R. Gandikota, R. K. K, A. Sharma, M. M. “Automatic Satellite Image Quality Control: A Production Chain Design for ISRO”
Lectures and Invited Talks
Guest Lecturer for Graduate level Deep Learning Course CS7150 at Northeastern University about Diffusion Models
Guest Lecturer for Graduate level Computer Vision Course at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
Lecture Series on Data Hhiding under Intel Student Ambassador program at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology