The daily links 26 07 18

Imran Khan might be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan

Imran Khan’s Party PTI might emerge as the largest party and can form a government using independent candidates. This is big news. But what are its implications? Here goes:
1) Nothing much for the world. Imran Khan during the early days of his political career was in the sidelines but now he has become more mainstream. The fact is every institution in Pakistan is either subseverent or will end up being the the Pakistani Security Establisment. They will not allow any candidate who has, perhaps much needed, radical ideas to change the fate of Pakistan.
2) Socialism coupled with subseverence. Imran Khan will heavily depend on socialist schemes to assure his majority and popularity in the country. He will never question the army and end up being, in all likelihood, a puppet prime minister with little original thinking.
3) Sham Election? The election itself is being questioned by opposition parties in the wake of repeated attacks at election centers and non transparent counting procedures.
4) Peace with India not on the horizon. The whole power structure of Pakistani society being centered around army is due to the myth of an Indian threat. The fact is all the wars that India and Pakistan have fought were initiated by Pakistan.
5) Terrorism will continue. Pakistan will continue to be a place where terrorist will get a Safe Haven. Even Hafiz Saeed’s party, the mastermind of 26/11 attacks at Mumbai, is contesting an election this time. It is idiotic to believe that the Pakistani Army doesn’t have a role in this.

Europe ropes in Trump?

The visit by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to Washington seems to be achieve postive results. Analysts are optimistic that Trump might negotiate a trade deal. With trump even saying “big day for free and fair trade” I doubt it. For negotiations you need nuance, patience, and most of all ability to concede a victory to political opponents. Read the story and cheer, but don’t scare your neighbours, because it is not going to last that long. Afterall, a tweet could change it.

Written on July 26, 2018