The Daily Links 24 07 18

Chinese Africa

Africe is increasingly turning to China as traditional partners aren’t stepping up their game. The stagerring bread of this turn is certainly raising some concerns. China’s colloborations with African countries are generally belong to these categories
1) Defence Cooperation - China is increasingly willing to offer support to Modernise african militaries. There has been tremendous growth in arms exports from china to africa over the last 5 years. It is also helping african countries with personell training.
2) Security - While India is a great contributor to peacekeeping mission the chinese are doing everything they can to assert their power. Chinna has offered 100 Million Dollars credit to setup an African Rapid Response Force to solve regional security issues.
3) Technology - China is increasingly producing better technology. It is exporting to boost survelliance software based on AI to african countries. This is particularly concerning in a region where there might not be an extensively established right to privacy.

You can read more about china’s involvement here.

Me too Back

Will the Men who were professionally ghettoed in the wake of #MeToo crisis comeback to have normal professional careers once again? If the example of Mel Gibson is anything to go by then yes. This vox article in graphic detail explains the rise, fall, and rise of Mel Gibson. It makes a compelling case that certain factors have allowed him to make a comeback. These factors include: 1) Don’t talk about your past 2) Leave the talking to your friends and allies 3) Take it slow and argue later that you have been kept away long enough 4) When you do comeback, don’t allow the public eye unless you have a good success.

This is a template. I hope society in general can see through it.

Written on July 24, 2018